
Relational Concept Analysis and Exploration

A first version of RCAExplore

Rédigé par Xavier Dolques - -

You can now find in the download section a first version of the RCAExplore along with the code source. Note that the current version is relying on the colt library from CERN (http://dst.lbl.gov/ACSSoftware/colt/).

In this version, you will find the following main features :

  • A graphical RCF editor
  • Export formats for RCF
    • LaTeX
    • galicia format
  • Different algorithms to compute concept posets
    • Add Intent to compute lattice and iceberg lattices
    • ARES to compute AOC-posets
    • ARES adaptations to compute AC-posets and OC-posets
  • Several scaling operators
  • A graphical interface to visualize concept posets
  • Concepts posets output in XML and Graphviz formats
  • ...

This work is distributed "as is" under the LGPL. Keep in mind that it's a research tool and it's still a work in progress.

Classé dans : release - Mots clés : aucun

RCAExplore will be published soon !

Rédigé par Xavier Dolques - -

RCAExplore is currently under heavy development and will be released as soon as licensing questions will be clarified. Meanwhile, people interested can email me (xavier.dolques[ a t ]engees.unistra.fr) for a testing version.

Classé dans : release - Mots clés : aucun